"KOKUBA NO SAITEN 2023" website has been updated.

Today, the KOUBA NO SAITEN 2023 website has been updated and the contents of the festival are now available. The updated contents are as follows
In addition to the list of participating KOUBA, the details of the opening information for each KOUBA have been updated. Please check the KOUBA you are interested in in advance and make plans for the day of the festival.
In addition, a map of KOUBA participating in KOUBA NO SAITEN 2023 is now available on Google Maps. Please use this map when you come to the festival.
From 10/26 (Thu.) to 10/29 (Sun.), we are planning to hold a total of 5 talk show events with Mr. Yoshihito Katata, the overall supervisor of this year’s festival, and invited guests. He will talk passionately about business creation using creativity, local production and local craftsmanship, tourism of Tsubamesanjo’s industry, comparison with other manufacturing regions in Japan, and his company’s thoughts on manufacturing through the Tsubamesanjo Festival in these talk sessions.
The “Official Tour of Tsubamesanjo KOUBA NO SAITEN” planned and managed by the organization KOUBA and Tsukuru Corporation, will be held from 10/26 (Thu) to 10/28 (Sat), and will include a deep factory tour limited to participants and a generous tour of the sites of the sub-industries of metal processing that support Tsubamsanjo.
The opening party will be held on Thursday the 26th, followed by a social gathering on Friday the 27th, and an after party on the last day to conclude the festival, where participants can look back on the four days of the event and discuss future prospects. The final day of the festival will be an after-party where participants can look back on the four days and discuss future prospects. Anyone is welcome to attend, and we hope that this will be a place where many people can interact with each other.
We will continue to update the website until the day of the festival, so we hope you will continue to make use of it.